Sunday 15 April 2012

Maxi Cosi Car Seat

~Preloved in Excellent Condition
~Seating Direction: Forward Facing
~Stay-in Car Base: No Detachable Base
~Restraint System: Vehicle Seat Belts
~Adjustable Harness Height: Adjustable Harness Height
~Adjustable Recline Positions: Adjustable Recline Positions
~Suitable for babies from 9month to 18kg (approximately 9 months to 4 years).
~Fits front and rear seats as long as there is no airbag in the front.
~Tension Best System for extra firm installation.
~Height adjustable harness.
~4 different sitting/sleeping positions.
~Side impact protection.
~Integral harness with quick release buckle, harness sleeves and buckle pad.
Cover is easy to remove and washable.

Condition 9/10
Retails price RM 12++
If Interested plz call/sms +60173549497 or emel me..